I keep meaning to post this, but THE WOW JONES REPORT has moved from Blogger to WordPress.
Click here to read the latest from The Wow Jones Report
--The Wow Jones Report
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The Wow Jones Report has MOVED from Blogger...
Posted by
Wow Jones
2:42 PM
Labels: The Wow Jones Report
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Question of the Day (re: James Brown & Martin Luther King Jr) -- David Hinckley

In today's NY Daily News, David Hinckley offers a review of two documentaries airing this weekend. One being, "The Night James Brown Saved Boston" airing tonight on VH1 and the other documentary being, "King" airing Sunday night on The History channel.

The article points out something these two men--James Brown and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr had in common.
"If these documentaries did nothing else, they would confirm that both men, when they stepped to a microphone, got the attention of the room and knew what to do with it. " -- David Hinckley
For all those aspiring and reaching for the spotlight, I gotta ask, when that light shines on you, are you ready? Would you know what to do???
--The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
2:14 PM
Labels: David Hinckley, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, James Brown
Friday, April 4, 2008
Rev Johnny Ray Youngblood -- Super Quote

“A Dialogue With Death” --Sermon delivered on Easter SUN 3/23/08.
In a service where he declared that Preacher Jeremiah Wright “is my friend”, Rev Johnny Ray Youngblood of The St. Paul Community Baptist Church delivered a dramatic Easter Sunday sermon entitled, “A Dialogue with Death”
When talking about Jesus’ resurrection, he explains
“when the S - U – N rose that morning, the S – O – N had already risen."
“Now, my brothers and sisters, I Johnny Youngblood, I am a spiritual snoop, and whenever I read the scriptures, I’m always looking for a spiritual scoop.”
“the spirit is gonna let us for a little while, dialogue with him who is known as the landlord of the household of the lifeless.”
Now those are some zingers! For those interested in the manuscript of "A Dialogue with Death" contact the church.
Posted by
Wow Jones
1:11 PM
Bob McKillop -- Super Quote
Bob McKillop (Davidson coach)
Friday, April 4, 2008 -- by Wow Jones
SAINTS ALIVE IN -- Curry shooting star in Davidson’s upset -- by Sean Brennan
NY Daily News, Saturday, March 22, 2008
On Stephen Curry’s 40-point (30 in the second half) performance against Gonzaga in Raleigh, NC“It was like an opening-night star performance on Broadway, And (Curry) was the star, but he had a great cast with him. ]The audience was sensational, a lot of music, great songs, lots of dancing. It was a
Broadway opening that really got great reviews in the New York Post, the New York Daily News, Newsday and the Times.” Davidson Coach Bob McKillup on Stephen Curry's breakout game.
--The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
12:53 PM
Labels: Bob McKillup, Davidson, NCAA, Stephen Curry
Daniel Ciciarro Sr -- Super Quote
Daniel Ciciarro Sr visits grave-site of son.
NY POST 3/24/08 Monday
LI Father’s Tribute To His ‘Dano’ -- by Selim Algar
When visiting the gravesite of his son, Daniel Ciciarro Sr said,“John White put my son in the grave and the judge put the dirt on top of
him.” -- Daniel Ciciarro Sr.
--The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
12:49 PM
Labels: Daniel Ciciarro Jr, Daniel Ciciarro Sr, John White
Nightline -- Super Quote
– NightLine
--Friday, April 4, 2008 by Wow Jones
Heard on ABC-TV’s, NightLine on MON 3/17/08,
“If Bear Stearns was a House On Fire, then the Federal Reserve was the Fire Department.”
--The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
12:48 PM
James Mtume -- Super Quote
James Mtume Super Quote
Friday, April 4, 2008 -- By Wow Jones
Heard this in a new “Commentary” segment for the Kiss-FM “Open Line” Show on SUN 3/23/08 by James Mtume.
Mr. Mtume delivered this monologue on the media and he mentioned,
…the media’s madness,
N.E.W.S. used to mean North, East, West, South. It now means Not Even Worth Saying.
The media is now trivia instead of truth,
attitude over aptitude,
--The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
12:46 PM
Walt Clyde Frazier = Deft Phrasing
Friday, April 4, 2008 -- by Wow Jones
Heard on the SUN 3/30/08 Knicks versus the Atlanta Hawks TV broadcast by
Color commentator Walt Clyde Frazier and Play-by-Play announcer Bob Wischusen (in for Mike Breen).
These are the phrases uttered by Clyde Frazier.
Coasting and toasting
Pizzazz, melancholy,
Propel him into stardom,
Matador D (defense) by David Lee
Swoop to the hoop,
rectify, thrive, pass was awry,
Jamal Crawford propelling the Knicks with his offensive prowess (3rd quarter),
A belated call,
Isiah always unflappable - - doesn’t raise an eyebrow (after a bad play or bad call)
Jamal and Lee becoming quite a tandem,
Knicks were a step short in coming back to Bibby, now the Hawks fans are becoming restless with their Hawks as the boos cascade down from the rafters.
Good aggression by Crawford. _______ is manhandling the Knicks now, seen some dubious calls, we’ve seen this from Crawford before--this type of offensive eruption,
Shakin and bakin,
Balkman with reckless abandon on offense or defense, splendid passes.
Picked apart, swarming about on defense without a purpose, uncanny ability to _______,
Resounding rebounding, the Hawks right there could not corral the ball,
you need an exquisite touch, you can’t unravel, too demonstrative,
one of Josh Smith’s forte’s – huffin and stuffin’,
you can see him exuding more and more confidence,
ball hangin and bangin in, they’re compelled to foul now.
--The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
12:35 PM
Labels: catch phrases, Walt Clyde Frazier
Monday, March 31, 2008
Rev. Al Sharpton on Evil

Heard on The KISS-FM Radio “Open Line” show on Sunday Morning, March 30, 2008.

Al Sharpton said, “Evil comes in like a needle and spreads like an oak tree.”
Is that from the Bible?

“…the impact we’ve made on the world stage. Cause if you look at the political race in America, if you look at Liberation struggles throughout Africa including South Africa, ALL of that they say, very publicly and emphatically, they were studying the civil-rights movement and Dr. King. So a lot of times when we look at a parochial, narrow way, We underestimate our impact on world history and the world stage. And I think it is coming into being, those seeds that were planted, are now blossoming and blooming.”
-- The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
2:42 PM
Labels: Al Sharpton
Super Quote -- (re: Farrah Gray)
SUPER QUOTE – Farrah Gray

The article, “Making Bank: Self-made millionaire turned author Farrah Gray shares secrets to getting rich” by Georgette Roberts synopsizes Farrah’s tale of growing up poor on the south side of Chicago and his transition to becoming at 22, a famous and rich man.
When discussing how he opened an office on Wall Street at the age of 13, Mr. Gray remembers,
“It was a very interesting experience. I choose Wall Street because I knew that if Wall Street coughs, the rest of the world sneezes. I also wanted to be in the heart of the financial center that drives not just America but the whole world.” -- Farrah Gray
Another Super Quote, courtesy of Mr. Metaphor.
- The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
2:36 PM
Labels: Book, Farrah Gray, Get Real, Get Rich, Wall Street
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Lady Assassin -- Shaw Brothers Movie (Clip)
Saturday, March 29, 2008 by Wow Jones
Hadn't ever seen this movie before. Apparently it's called Lady Assassin. Below is an action scene from the movie. WOW!
- The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
9:08 PM
How To Boost Your Stage Show Performance (Rick James vs. Prince PART 2!!!)
Saturday, March 29, 2008 -- by Wow Jones
In an earlier post, I wrote about an interesting anecdote from the Rick James autobiography regarding Rick James' and Prince's rivalry.
In a post on a Prince website message board, a member wrote about his/her experiences watching Prince open up for Rick James. What he/she revealed is just as insightful as Rick James' account.
PDogz (wildgoldenhoney from Prince.org) account at a Rick James concert, check it out:
1979: Attended a Rick James concert in Charlotte, NC. Prince was the opening act - Blew EVERYONE away! Rick James could not compare when he followed Prince's act. In fact, about 20 minutes into Rick's set, people in the audience started walking out. It wasn't that Rick James performed poorly, it was just that after seeing Prince - there was no where else to go! Prince wore everybody out! I feel like I was a part of history that night. May Rick James be resting peacefully.
His entire set was about 45 minutes or so of complete mayhem and frenzy!
When you first entered the Coliseum, there was no curtain and everything was setup at the front edge of the stage: mic-stands, keyboards, and very few other props. The drum set was in the middle of the stage placed up on a little riser with an oval-shaped sign over it (which was first covered in canvas) that had "PRINCE" spelled out in lights, as in the logo on his 1979 "Prince" album. Everybody was just standing around, jamming to the pre-concert music that they play over the system, smoking joints, grooving, and basically waiting for Rick James.
No one really knew who Prince was yet. In fact, I thought we were about to see a band called "Prince For You" (the title of his first album). I didn't know yet that Prince was an individual and not just the name of a band. I thought certainly that no one would be actually named "Prince".
Then… BAMM! The lights went out, and you could make out 3 shadowy figures move onto the stage, and then stood with their backs to the audience. The rest of the band took their place, and all you could hear over the sound system was someone speaking in a low, sort of foreboding tone:
"Charlotte, are you ready for me?" -- Prince
The drum roll hit, the stage lights came up, and Andre, Prince, and Dez turned and all charged about 4 or 5 steps toward the audience – and everybody freaked the Hell out! These guys looked scary as shit! The one in the middle (who I soon learned was Prince) had this spiky hairdo, full make-up, a pink leather motorcycle jacket, panties, black stockings, and pumps! The audience reaction was pure fright! Then Prince reached around to his back, pulled his guitar around to the front, then the whole band started jamming “Sexy Dancer”, and the crowd quickly got over their fright and started rocking to the music and jamming along - all hands were in the air. By the end of that first song, everybody was like: “Oh shit! This guy AIN’T playing!” The party was ON full blast!
Their play list consisted of songs from his first two albums, but the song they did that most sticks out in my mind is when they played “Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad?”, because Prince was ad-libbing a lot. Like:
Why you wanna treat me so bad? Is it the clothes I wear?
Why you wanna treat me so mean? Is it the style of my hair?
But what completely blew people away was when they played their encore: “I Wanna Be Your Lover”.
Prince went mad, threw off that cool ass pink leather jacket, peeled off his stockings, threw them at the audience, and was running around the stage jamming to the beat with nothing but his guitar, bikini underwear, and high-heeled boots (with little stars on the side). And then once he was done jacking-off the microphone (as if he were giving it head - Prince was a real whore on stage back then), tossed his guitar to the side, reached his hand down into his panties to cover his dick, and pulled his panties all the way down to his knees, gyrating toward the audience with only his hand covering his dick! WTF!!! The audience was going crazy! At the end of his set, Prince said “Damn Charlotte, we’re gonna have to come back here again soon!”
And that was it! I was a stoned-cold Prince fan! I started telling people about Prince the next day!
At that point, everybody was standing around like they had completely forgot about Rick James. But the roadies came out and moved all of Prince’s stuff off stage, the sign over the drums came apart into two pieces and they removed that. But what really tripped me out was once all of Prince’s equipment was off stage, they removed the backdrop that was behind Prince’s set, and you could see that the stage was actually HUGE and that Prince had only been setup right up at the front. There was a giant curtain hanging behind all of that. After several more moments of getting everything set up, the lights dimmed again, the music started, the curtain opened up, and there you could see that this stage was about a mile wide and a mile deep! This was Rick James’s stage!
Rick came out, and The King of Punk Funk reminded you of what you came here for! His show was awesome, but I’ll save it for another thread. But it was interesting to note that many people in the audience started moving out, because at least initially, Rick was no comparison to what we had all just seen out there! Don’t get me wrong, Rick tore the roof off that sucker, but it was hard to stop thinking about what we had just seen Prince do out there.
Rick’s show was about 2 hours long, and the Stoned City Band succeeded in funking us to death! The show was actually exhausting! I remember thinking “How in the Hell can they do this every night, and from town to town?” Ahh, the memories!
See what you gotta do to win a crowd over? What EVER it takes!!! Are you ready?
-- Wow Jones
Posted by
Wow Jones
4:08 AM
Labels: Rick James versus Prince Stage Show Performance 1979 Opening Up For Rick James
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Mukamabano Marie Claudine -- "I Miss My Mother"
Wednesday, March 26, 2008 -- By Wow Jones
Mukamabano Marie Claudine -- "I Miss My Mother"
Met this woman yesterday and on a whim videotaped her testimony. Here it is.
-- Wow Jones
Posted by
Wow Jones
11:32 AM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Director Stephen Chow delivers a WOW of a movie and rockets audiences to movie heaven with CJ7!
Monday, March 10, 2008 -- By Wow Jones
Director Stephen Chow delivers a WOW of a movie and rockets audiences to movie heaven with CJ7!
A close-up of hands are the first thing we see in Stephen Chow’s new movie CJ7. Calloused, dingy, leathery and weather-beaten - - some would say that those hands are evidence of someone who “works hard for a living.” These hands are involved in the tender act of sewing-up the toe point of a tattered pair of cast-aside shoes. It’s this act, along with the subsequent shot of Mercedes Benz and Rolls Royce hood ornaments atop cars that are shown dropping off rich-kids at an elite private school that poetically announces Stephen Chow’s awareness of the worlds he’s chronicling. For those folks unfamiliar with Stephen Chow’s movies, these shots merely hint at the continued astonishment this masterpiece affords. How could they know that Stephen Chow (whose hands are the hands which open the movie) would craft and present such a gift to audiences worldwide?
As in movies filled with feeling like Robert DeNiro’s A Bronx Tale and Chen Kaige’s Together, Stephen Chow dramatizes, through the role of a poor construction worker, the task of imparting values like character and integrity to his son Dicky (Xu Jiao). As the shot at a construction-worksite that introduces Stephen Chow illustrates, it’s a task that’s both daunting and dizzying. While it may initially appear that CJ7 will be a dour treatment of a serious drama, Stephen Chow quickly introduces the verve that distinguishes CJ7 from the DeNiro and Kaige movie comparisons.
In response to Dicky being taunted by rich classmates at school for not having the latest toy (a CJ1 robot),
Stephen Chow (with his salt-and-pepper colored hair) brings home a discarded toy that he finds at the garbage dump he frequents and gives it to his son. Turns out that this toy is an alien from another planet, and this toy becomes the perfect pet-toy-gift -- one that’s capable of limitless love and companionship. As in movies like Brad Bird’s The Iron Giant and Steven Spielberg’s E.T., CJ7 also examines the special relationship between a child and his toy/pet—humorously evoking the electric thrill of having a new friend. When this pet-toy (whom Dicky names CJ7) is brought to school, it also presents an opportunity for Dicky to get schoolyard-style redemption. Rapturous mayhem ensues and surprises abound.
In CJ7 Stephen Chow generously surrenders the spotlight to the child performers in the cast – particularly when he plays straight-man to son Dicky, played by actress Xu Jiao in a gut-bustingly funny, unrestrained and nimble debut (!!!) performance. I also suspect that Xu Jiao isn’t the only performer in CJ7 engaging in a bit gender-bending casting. In any event, upon the hint that this toy is not what it appears to be, Dicky’s scream (and his raised elbows bent, hands-up, semi-Alfred E Neuman ‘What Me Worry?’ gesture) to his dad is at once filled with fear, anxiety and yes, excitement.
In another scene, Dicky stomps away from his discarded pet-toy and is at first disappointed and angry. Then, as the extent of his lapse in judgement registers, he’s ashamed, regretful and contrite. Folks, you don’t often see this level of accomplished acting.
But it’s in Stephen Chow’s staging of detailed slapstick where his verve is unmistakably evident. Eagle-eyed viewers will notice (and chortle at) the subtle touch of a Physical Education teacher whose bit of business consists of constantly pulling up the waistband of his shorts to his sternum. Nor will sensitive viewers miss a child being tossed the length of a football field leaving skid marks in his wake. Whether it’s a back-alley brawl between CJ7 and a scruffy dog, a mishap at the construction site where Stephen Chow works, or a miracle at a soccer field, the action here is kinetic, inventive, funny and, most importantly, tied to emotion and a compelling narrative.
With the movie’s twists and turns, my seat got quite a workout when I alternately doubled over in laughter and leaned back as I gasped in astonishment. Chuck Jones is smiling down from heaven knowing this movie is in the world. I’d also guess that fellow comic hyphenate Tyler Perry is psychically sending a high-five in approval and appreciation. Gag-by-gag, stunt-by-stunt, and miracle-by-miracle, Director Stephen Chow delivers a WOW of a movie-gift to the world and rockets worldwide audiences to movie heaven with CJ7!
"Gag-by-gag, stunt-by-stunt, and miracle-by-miracle, Director
Stephen Chow delivers a WOW of a movie-gift to the world and rockets worldwide audiences to movie heaven with CJ7!" -- Wow Jones of The Wow Jones Report
Well, the packed, noon Times Square crowd that I saw the movie with on Sunday sure thought so.
-- Wow Jones
“CJ7” is rated PG (Parental guidance suggested).
CJ7 Opened on Friday in New York and Los Angeles.
Directed by Stephen Chow
Written (in Cantonese, with English subtitles) by Mr. Chow, Vincent Kok, Tsang Kan Cheong, Sandy Shaw Lai-King, Fung Chih Chiang and Lam Fung;
Director of Photography: Poon Hang Sang
Editor: Angie Lam
Music: Raymond Wong
Production Designer: Oliver Wong
Action Choreography: Ku Huen Chiu and Yuen Shun Yi;
Producers: Mr. Chow, Chui Po Chu, Han San Ping and Mr. Kok;
Released by Sony Pictures Classics.
Running time: 1 hour 26 minutes.
WITH: Xu Jiao (Dicky Chow), Stephen Chow (Ti), Kitty Zhang (Miss Yuen), Lee Sheung Ching (Mr. Cao), Fun Min Hun (P.E. Teacher), Huang Lei (Johnny) and Lam Tze Chung (Boss).
Posted by
Wow Jones
2:06 PM
How To Have Your Audience Begging For More (Re: Garth Brooks)
Wednesday, March 12, 2008. -- by Wow Jones
Country Star Garth Brooks' quote made at the end of his Kansas City concert special broadcast on GAC TV, “Garth Brooks: One Man, One City, One Night” was one whopper of a quote.
I saw the concert in early February after getting a pal to Tivo the concert during the Christmas holidays. After performing his heart out (despite showing some rust after not performing regularly in 7-8 years), he did something unique. At the end of his show, he acknowledged his situation and said something profound--with emotion.
“You guys came back to me for this music.” His voice cracked as he declared, “I promise you, if you wait for me, I’ll be back!” -- Garth Brooks to fans
Tantalizing and beguiling. Heartfelt promises tend to do that.

P.S. By the way, It sure was nice to see Garth Brook Band mainstays like Dave Gant, Mike Palmer, Jimmy Mattingly, Mark Greenwood, Stephanie Davis again.
Lead Electric Guitar: Gordon Kennedy
Lap & Steel Guitar: Bruce Bouton
Acoustic Guitar And Vocals: Stephanie Davis
Bass And Vocals: Mark Greenwood
Keyboards: Dave Gant
Fiddle & Acoustic Guitar: Jimmy Mattingly
Drums & Percussion: Mike Palmer
Background Singers: Vicki Hampton
Karyn Rochelle
Robert Bailey
Posted by
Wow Jones
1:50 PM
Labels: garth brooks promise to fans one man one city one night
SUPER QUOTE (Re: Ronald Dale)
I was tuning in to watch blonde bombshell host Shannon Wiseman

Upon seeing his new car, Ronald Dale cried,
“That can’t be my clickety-clunk car! My Goodness, my, my, my…” -- Ronald Dale
Ronald Gale went on to explain (using our friend Mr. Simile), “under the car sounded like two squirrels playing with the pecans or something.”
-- The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
1:42 PM
How To Boost Your Stage Show Presentation (re: Bruce Springsteen)

“I took over a theater in L.A. called the Ahmanson. It had a huge stage - - bigger than Radio City. I put Anthony Newman with the chamber ensemble. I put Miles Davis on with Johnny Mathis and Springsteen. “
“Bruce gets on, I’m sitting in the audience. He’s singing ‘Spirit In the Night,’ standing on this big fucking stage, and not moving. I go up and say, ‘Listen, it’s one thing when you’re in Max’s Kansas City or in a small club where there’s no room. But Bruce - - when you got on a stage like this, you’ve got to move!’ " -- Clive Davis on early Bruce Springsteen

Bruce Springsteen in the 70s
“I said, ‘Go to this side of the stage, go to the other side. Make use of the stage!’ “
"Segue to 1975. Bruce calls me and says, ‘I’m playing at The Bottom Line. You’ve gotta come.’ I go with Lou Reed, who’s never even heard of Bruce at this time. The show begins. I can’t even recognize Bruce. He’s a dervish, jumping over tables, going all over the room."

Bruce Springsteen in the 70s
"I go backstage, and before I say anything, Bruce says, ‘Did I move enough for you?’ ” -- Clive Davis
MOVE across the stage people!
-- The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
1:18 PM
Labels: Clive Davis Bruce Springsteen Boost Stage Performance
Super Quote: (re: President Abraham Lincoln on Edwin M Stanton)
Wednesday March 12, 2008 -- by Wow Jones

Abraham Lincoln
Here's a super quote by Abraham Lincoln regarding his Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton. In it, he explains how much Stanton meant to him during the Civil War.

Edwin M. Stanton
“He is the rock on the beach of our national ocean against which the breakers dash and roar, dash and roar without ceasing. He fights back the angry waters and prevents them from undermining and overwhelming the land. Gentlemen, I do not see how he survives, why he is not crushed and torn to
pieces. Without him I should be destroyed.” -- President Abraham Lincoln On Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton
Masterful rhetoric! I lifted the quote from the incredible James L. Swanson book, "Manhunt: The 12 Day Chase For Lincoln's Killer".
--The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
1:07 PM
Labels: Abraham Lincoln Edwin M Stanton
SUPER QUOTE (re: James Mtume)

Read this today and got quite a chuckle. Musican, Producer, Songwriter, Political Activist and Radio Co-Host James Mtume gives a zinger of a quote to David Hinckley in his Radio Dial column in today’s NY Daily News. (“NYC offers few choices to hear black voices” – David Hinckley)

When talking about his own disillusion with America’s political system and its relationship to American Blacks he offers,
“the Republicans rob banks and the Democrats drive the getaway car.” -- James Mtume

Somebody book this man on one of those talking heads poltical tv shows! Hell, he should come out with a book of Mtume-isms…
-- The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
12:00 PM
Labels: James Mtume WRKS-FM Kiss FM Open Line The Third Answer
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Super Quote: (Re: Mike Tannenbaum, GM of NY Jets)

“I think we’ve bought the suit. Now maybe we have to buy a couple of neckties.” -- NY Jet GM Mike Tannenbaum

Posted by
Wow Jones
2:10 PM
Super Quote (re: Janel Bennett: Baby Mama of Singer Mario Winans)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 -- by Wow Jones
On Saturday, March 8th, 2008, the Page Six section of The New York Post reports that R & B singer Mario Winans is alleged to be a deadbeat dad.
A woman named Janel Bennett uses strong nouns to illustrate the differences between how she and her child Jordan live versus how Winan's current lady friend Joy and child are treated.
Bennett said,
"Joy lives in a 16-bedroom mansion and her daughter wears mink coats and Seven jeans, and my son doesn't have boots to wear in the winter." She claimed Winans has only seen Jordan once, and "doesn't send Christmas cards, doesn't send him birthday cards, nothing." -- Baby Mama Janel Bennett
Sheesh. What a bunch of soiled laundry!
-- The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
1:55 PM
Monday, March 10, 2008
New Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of The Crystal Skull Poster
Monday, March 10, 2008 -- by Wow Jones
WOW. Now this poster makes some promises! Action and Spectacle Galore! Illustrator Drew Struzan does it again?
Bring Indy 4 on! The new poster for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull.
-- The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
2:31 PM
Labels: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull New Poster Drew Struzan
JUICY QUOTE (Erykah Badu in JET Magazine)
Monday, March 10, 2008 -- by Wow Jones
Promoting her new CD, singer, actress Erakah Badu has landed on the cover of both Essence Magazine and a recent JET magazine. If you are deemed worthy enough to land a cover of a nationl publication, it would behoove you to be ready with at the least a juicy quote.. Erakah Badu shows you that she is by using the services of our friend, Mr. Analogy.
In her JET cover story (March 3, 2008, Erykah Badu Tells Why It Took 5 Years for CD ‘New Amerykah’),
Erykah declares that she believes in “lifetimes not deadlines” when referring to five years that’s passed since her last offering and her latest CD. She explains,
“I’m more like an oven than a microwave,” -- Erykah Badu
Erykah goes on and elaborates on that point when she says, “I don’t quickly serve up something up just because people expect me to. I serve it up when it is well done, cooked and ready. I go by the lifeline, not by the deadline. I believe in lifelines not deadlines. I do it when I feel it.” Expounding on the last point, she further explains, “Deadline seems like some kind of finalization of a thing. Lifeline is when it is born and starts to live. A lifeline gives birth to something and giving birth is a process.”
Brilliant. The article goes on and has Erykah talk about her children, her new music, her life and her family. Read it when you can.
-- The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
2:11 PM
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Trailers for new Stephen Chow movie CJ7
Tuesday, March 4, 2008 -- By Wow Jones
Below are two trailers for the new Stephen Chow movie CJ7. Look out for the movie when it hits the United States.
Old Trailer
Newer Trailer
--Wow Jones
Posted by
Wow Jones
3:05 PM
Labels: Stephen Chow Trailer CJ7
Do You Have STAR QUALITY? The Head Snap Heard Round The World (re: Daniel Noriega vs. Simon Cowell)
Tuesday, March 4, 2008 by Wow Jones
This is where I first noticed AMERICAN IDOL's Daniel Noriega. In the clip included below, he gets at AMERICAN IDOL judge Simon Cowell.
Do you have star quality?
Peep the attitude, the swagger, the eye-rolling...
-- The Wow Jones Report
P.S. Thanks to Critic John Demetry for bringing this clip to my attention. I also borrowed his headline.
Posted by
Wow Jones
2:51 PM
Do You Have STAR QUALITY? Daniel Noriega: YOUR American Idol?
Tuesday, March 4, 2008 --by Wow Jones
AMERICAN IDOL's Daniel Noriega. Look at this boy. It's too bad people are intimidated by him because he may as well get the word GAY taatooed on his cheeks.
Yes I know, David Archuleta is the front runner, but damn, I can't stop thinking about Daniel Noriega. He's...adorable.
Look at that Jessica Alba-esque face, the puppy-dog eyes, and check out that mock pout!!!
Scored to the Alicia Keys single "No One" here's a montage of images of the man himself, Daniel Noriega. Embrace the essence!
-- The Wow Jones Report
P.S. Thanks to Critic John Demetry for bringing this clip to my attention.
Posted by
Wow Jones
2:33 PM
How To Improve Your Stage Presence (re: Miri "Sonyk Rok" Park)
Tuesday, March 4, 2008 -- by Wow Jones
It only took 8 seconds. Near the end of the AIR GUITAR NATION documentary dvd, I saw a vision unlike any other. As the camera faded in from black, it tilts up to reveal the sexiest pair of shins, calves and thighs I'd ever seen. Covered up by white knee-high socks, knees bent slightly and crouched atop her tip-toes in rock star stance.
Dressed in a Catholic schoolgirl-esque outfit, Miri "Sonyk Rok" Park leaped down from one level of the stage onto the other and strutted across the stage like she owned it.
With Sonyk Rok's white shirt/blouse tied at the waist, black sandals, white socks and dark plaid skirt which covered up her white panties--she was not to be denied. Her forceful nods had her long, silky hair flailing about as she shook her head from side to side. While contorting her face--grimacing, straining, screaming, lips pursued, singing and howling as she stomped forward across the stage towards the camera as the flashbulbs flashed. What can I say, I was transfixed.
And to think, it only took 8 seconds. After a quick glance at the photo below, I'm surprised it took THAT long.
Her image was part of a montage detailing what happened to the Air Guitar contestants in the time since the filming of much of the production. All I can say is, I'll never forget her.
That stage presence, that beauty, that swagger. Man...
More later.
--The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
9:25 AM
Labels: Miri Sonyk Rok Park Air Guitar Nation Stage Presence
How To Boost Your Stage Show Presentation (Rick James vs. Prince)
Tuesday March 4, 2008 -- by Wow Jones
So you and your band and/or crew are practicing in your garage and/or basement and you're ready. There's a gig and there you are onstage looking out over a crowd of onlookers. As you sing your tunes and screaming into the microphone, you realize that your performing isn't getting the response you desire. Dudes are yawning, girls are nodding off. What do you do?
In the book, “The Confessions Of A Rick James: Memoirs Of A Super Freak” Rick James has a revealing anecdote about Prince. When preparing to tour after the release of his album Fire It Up, Rick James started to think about getting an opening act.
“There was a record burning up the airwaves called ‘I Wanna Be Your Lover’ by some cat named Prince. He played guitar, and everyone was telling me how a tour with me and him would be great. I bought his album and really enjoyed it, especially ‘Sexy Dancer.’ I thought the kid was pretty funky. So I asked for the company to send me a video on him. I received the video and as I watched him I thought he reminded me a bit of myself, except that he didn’t move as much. I asked Prince to open up the Fire It Up tour…the only thing I had heard about him was that he was shy. I had hoped he wasn’t too shy, or he had no right being on the road with me, that’s for sure.”
On meeting Prince, Rick James mentions, “When I walked in through the backstage entrance, Prince was sitting on his group’s drums playing some bullshit beat. I sat down on our set where he could see me and began playing some serious shit. He looked over at me and just got his little ass up and walked away.”
On finally seeing him play Rick James reveals, “The first time I saw Prince and his band I felt sorry for him. Here’s this little dude wearing hi-heels, playing this New Wave Rock And Roll, not moving or anything on stage, just standing there wearing this trench coat.
Then at the end of his set he’d take off his trench coat and he’d be wearing little girl’s bloomers. I just died. The guys in the audience just booed this poor thing to death..”

As the tour went on, Rick James noticed something about Prince’s behavior, “Whenever I was on stage I’d see Prince on the side of the stage just staring and watching everything I did, like a kid in school. I’d walk over to him during a song and point my bass right in his face, grab my crotch, give him the finger and keep jammin’. He was remembering everything I did, like a computer.”
Detailing his stage repertoire Rick James reveals, “I used to do these tricks with the microphone - - flip it, catch it backwards, you name it. It was a trademark of mine. I also used to do a lot of crowd chants. I’d have my hand on my ear while I called these funk chants to the audience. This was another trademark.”
“I used to do these tricks with the microphone - - flip it, catch it backwards, you name it. It was a trademark of mine. I also used to do a lot of crowd chants. I’d have my hand on my ear while I called these funk chants to the audience. This was another trademark.” -- Rick James
One night during the tour, Rick James had a surprise waiting for him, “One day I walked into the auditorium, getting ready to go on, and I heard the crowd chanting loudly. I went to check it out. Here’s Prince doing my chants. Not only that he was stalking the stage just like me, doing the funk sign, flipping the microphone and everything. The boy had stolen my whole show. I was pissed, and so was my band. This went on night after night, every show I’d see more of my own routine. It got to the point I couldn’t do the stuff I had always done cuz Prince was doing it before I came on. It started to look like I was copying him.”
Something needed to get done. Rick James explains, “Everyone knew what was happening: his management, my management. One day things almost blew up. I was pissed, my band was pissed, and something had to be done. So my management and Prince’s management got together, along with Prince and his band and me and my band to have it out once and for all.“
So what happened? Well, “First, I met with Prince’s manager and told him that if Prince did any more of my show he was off the tour. Even his own manager agreed that Prince was stealing my show. Finally, we all met in Prince’s room: Prince, me and my bands. My band, looking like six foot five Black Maasai Warriors with their braids and leather, sat at one end, while Prince’s band, in their eyelashes and make-up, sat at the other. Prince’s band was afraid, very afraid. Levi and the boys were ready to give an ass-whipping. Prince sat on a bed and hardly said a word. He acted like a little bitch while his band and mine patched up their differences. After that confrontation, things went back to normal - - me kicking his ass every night.”
Whatever you think of Prince—the rock star, he was cognizant of his own inferior stage presentation and recognized that improvements needed to be made. He looked around and saw a fellow musician/performer doing a tremendous job while on the road. He made the appropriate adjustments and the rest is history.
MOVE People! Get around the stage. Don't just STAND there!
By the way. what does history say close to thirty years later?
-- The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
9:11 AM
Labels: Rick James Prince Stage Performance Repertoire Fire It Up
Monday, March 3, 2008
How To Give A Great Soundbite (Re: Sid Heal)
Monday, March 3rd, 2008 by Wow Jones.
Yesterday's broadcast of 60 Minutes had a story that featured a soundbite people could learn from.
The story, "The Pentagon's Ray Gun" was about the development of a new weapon the military has developed. A new "ray gun" that emits...microwave beams of heat that are designed to eliminate deaths incurred while trying to control crowds. Called the A.D.S. (Active Denial System) it's taken some time to try and use the gun in Iraq.
Sid Heal, a former Marine Corps point man for non-lethal weapons tried to help explain why it's taken so long for the Armed Forces to use the new non-lethal weapon.
"I was the bugle in the orchestra. I was playing the same music, but it wasn't sounding the same." -- former Marine Sid Heal
Terrific soundbite. Sid Heal uses metaphor to get a point across and vividly make an abstract point.
-- The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
12:49 PM
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Call Me
Let's try this experiment. Dial (646) 961-3873 and leave a message for The Wow Jones Report. Business Inquiries. Or you can click on the CALL ME link and get at me for FREE.
-- Wow Jones
Posted by
Wow Jones
3:31 PM
Labels: Business Inquiries Telephone Number The Wow Jones Report
Football Player Kris Jenkins (now of The NY Jets) SUPERMAN Quote
Saturday, March 1st, 2008 by Wow Jones
Read an article in today's NY Daily News that features a quote that serves as another example of how you talk when being interviewed by media.
It's now Free-Agent Seaon in the NFL and Carolina Panther defensive tackle Kris Jenkins was just traded to the NY Jets. The article points out how Jenkins comes from a defensive system (the conventional 4-3 setup) that is unlike the Jets' 3-4 defense and wonders how he'll adjust.
His response? During a conference call Kris Jenkins said,
"It will be somewhat of an adjustment. I'm human. I can't put on a red cape and fly away, but it's something I can excel at. I'm excited about the challenge. I get to be the big stud in the middle and make it easier for the linebackers." -- New NY JET Defensive Tackle Kris Jenkins on adjusting to the 3-4 defense that NY JETS employ.
-- The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
1:46 PM
Labels: Kris Jenkins NY Jets Carolina Panthers Superman Quote
Friday, February 29, 2008
ASK ALEXYSS: Cheating Wives (Part 2)
Thursday, February 29, 2008 -- by Wow Jones
Continuation on her lecture on Cheating Wives. She's responding to a reader/email.
-- The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
2:48 PM
ASK ALEXYSS: Cheating Wives (Part 1)
Thursday, February 29, 2008 -- Wow Jones
Alexyss K Tylor is back on the scene. Check this out.
-- The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
2:46 PM
Charlamagne Tha God on Sapphyri (from Flava Of Love's Charm School with Monique) Rumor
Friday, February 29, 2008 -- by Wow Jones
Was listening to The Wendy Williams Experience radio show yesterday and heard a funny comment from radio personality/co-host Charlamagne Tha God regarding a rumor regarding Sapphyri -- a contestant on the Comedian Monique's TV show Charm School.
According to the rumor (from popular website MediaTakeOut.com, apparently she was impregnated by Death Row Records founder/Record Executive Shug Knight.
Charlamagne Tha God doesn't believe it. He found it hard to believe that Shug Knight would lay down with a woman like Sapphyri. Charlamagne Tha God said that her complexion, "Sapphyri's complexion reminds me of the color of my Schwinn bike chain after I left it uncovered in the rain after three days in 1987!"
"Sapphyri's complexion reminds me of the color of my Schwinn bike chain after I left it uncovered in the rain after three days in 1987!" -- Charlamagne Tha God
Now, that's a visual, vivid description! Upon hearing it, my belly jiggled as I laughed...
-- The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
12:37 PM
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Vance Walberg's Dribble-Drive Motion Offense (re: John Calipari)
Just came across a Sports Illustrated (Dated 2/18/08 The story is entitled, "Fast and Furious" by Grant Wahl. The issue has Dale Earnhardt Jr on the cover laying atop a lime-green car.) article on an offense that's purportedly changing the game of Basketball. Memphis Head Basketball Coach John Calipari currently uses it and it's the popular Vance Walberg Dribble-Drive Motion Offense.
Check out the way Coach Calipari explains how his players ball using popular offense. Calipari explains, "The players are unleashed when they play this way, because every player has the green light to take his man on every play".
"The players are unleashed when they play this way, because every player has the green light to take his man on every play". -- Memphis Head Basketball Coach John Calipari
Simple yet visual, kinetic description. Ya heard me?
The article mentions that Calipari is a born promoter. When explaining how he came to name Vance Walberg's offense, you see why.
Coach Vance Walberg initially called his offense the Attack-Attack-Skip-Attack-Attack (AASAA) Offense. Well, it understandably didn't come across very well. The story goes on to explain,
"A born promoter, Calipari also came up with the name Dribble-Drive Motion for the offense, 'It's just easier to understand,' he says. 'AASAA? Come on, what are you talking about?' Owing to the offense's continuous patterns, reads and backdoor cuts, he also branded it 'Princeton on steroids.' "
Posted by
Wow Jones
3:57 PM
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
ASK ALEXYSS: Oral Sex Denial Part 2 (Alexyss K Tylor)
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 --by Wow Jones
Sure, Alexyss K Tylor (The Black Dr. Ruth?) has her detractors, but love her or hate her, the woman knows how to communicate her ideas. In this clip, pay particular attention to HOW she gets her points across on sex and relations between the sexes.
--Wow Jones
Posted by
Wow Jones
4:13 PM
ASK ALEXYSS: Oral Sex Denial Part 1 (Alexyss K Tylor) Time 8:01
Wednesday February 27, 2008 -- by Wow Jones
--Wow Jones
Posted by
Wow Jones
4:08 PM
ASK ALEXYSS - - The Power Of Touch (re. Alexyss K Tylor) TIME 6:27
Wednesday, February 27, 2008. --by Wow Jones
Sure, Alexyss K Tylor (The Black Dr. Ruth?) has her detractors, but love her or hate her, the woman knows how to communicate her ideas. In this clip, pay particular attention to HOW she gets her points across on sex and relations between the sexes.
--Wow Jones
Posted by
Wow Jones
4:05 PM
How To Become An Internet Sensation: ASK ALEXYSS -- Response to Laffy Taffy Hoes (w/ Pro Bowl) TIME 7:13
Wednesday, February 27, 2008. --by Wow Jones
Someone sent this to me a month ago. Sure, Alexyss K Tylor (The Black Dr. Ruth?) has her detractors, but love her or hate her, the woman knows how to communicate her ideas. In this clip, pay particular attention to HOW she gets her points across on sex and relations between the sexes.
--Wow Jones
Posted by
Wow Jones
4:02 PM
Labels: Alexyss K Tylor Response to Laffy Taffy Hoes Pro Bowl
How To Become An Internet Sensation: Lollipop Lovin -- Why Give Head? (Alexyss K Tylor) TIME: 6:22
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 by Wow Jones
Sure, Alexyss K Tylor (The Black Dr. Ruth?) has her detractors, but love her or hate her, the woman knows how to communicate her ideas. In this clip, pay particular attention to HOW she gets her points across on sex and relations between the sexes. This clip focuses on oral sex.
For example, in this clip, she talks about women who "Don't want to do the Down and Dirty...". Hell, listen to how she introduces herself, "Welcome to the VaGIIIIINA Power Show."
Later in this clip, she describes the penis as "a beautiful piece of architecture...It was designed, to be loved, smelled, TASTEted, TOUCHed, just truly honored and admired."
Again, listen to how she talks. He emphaszing certain syllables and her intonations. I am capitalizing certain parts of her words to illustrate this.
Check out her use of dramatic pauses here,
"When you...touch a penus and when you...LICK a penus when you...STROKE a penus you DO it first with your mind." (I am intentionally mis-spelling penis to get a closer approximation as to how Miss Tylor pronounces the word--with her husky southern twang)
Here's some more of what Miss Tylor says...
"The very thought of...touchingandlickingandsuckingapenus should MOVE through every pore of your body. That energy should move through you to the point that your aura EXUDES it and everybody in the room can feel it. Every man can feel it."
"HELL, even sometimes when women are good at what they do in bed. We don't know all a y'all but we can FEEL you when you walk into a room around our man. Cause you can see women start clutching they man when certain women come in a room. The way they...(illustrates with mouth/lips) lick they lips and...(illustrates with mouth/lips) part their mouth and...(illustrates again) have they tongue go across their teeth." -- Alexyss K. Tylor
On lollipops, she says (while unwrapping the wrapper off the lollipop and beginning to lick it),"I like 'em cause they nice and juicy and red and they're soft and gooey in the center..."
Now that's how you use adjectives! I hope you can see how this woman is a fantastic communicator. I'll try and point out how Alexyss K Tylor pulls this off in her other clips.
--The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
3:57 PM
How To Become An Internet Sensation: Alexyss K Tylor -- Halloween "Givin Dick Out Like Government Cheese..."
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 --by Wow Jones
I believe this is the first clip I came across featuring Alexyss K Tylor and her Vagina Power.
Sure, Alexyss K Tylor (The Black Dr. Ruth?) has her detractors, but love her or hate her, the woman knows how to communicate her ideas. In this clip, pay particular attention to HOW she gets her points across on sex and relations between the sexes.
Here are a few excerpts on this particular clip.
I’m PILOTing the pusssy
See Y’ALL got to be a PILOT over the pussy y’all.
Y’all got to be the Pussy PO-lice y’all.
…the men that we have designated to be our men to honor us, love us, respect us, and COMMIT to us, CANNOT be trusted
they done TOOK the wedding band off the finger
…a lot of men are scared to put the wedding band on the finger because they know in that woman’s mind the wedding band is also gonna be a NOOSE around the NUTS!
I mean a TRUE nut-bracket, to lock em in and keep them in check til they can’t give it to no one else!
We got to GUARD, HONOR and PROTECT the sanctity of the vagina.
…she does not have her policeman’s hat ON
She does not have her general’s hat ON
She does not have her sargeant hat ON
Because she done took it off and gave it to her MAN once she say I do or once she say she in a commitment.
Now while you at work or while y’all at the grocery store (points), or while y’all at CHURCH, you need to be in TUNE with your vagina AND the dick and the nuts that you done committed this right here too, because a lotta da men have THROWN away any type of verification. Hmph. To prove that they dick belong to YOU (points)! And they meetin’ up with other women or they tryin’ to hook up with another woman to give the dick out to ration a piece of it out just like they ration when they give out government cheese in the projects. See we got to STOP this right here (waves both arms)
--The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
3:55 PM
Labels: Alexyss K Tylor Halloween Clip
How To Become An Internet Sensation: "Dick Will Make You Slap Somebody!" -- (re: Alexyss K Tylor)
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 -- by Wow Jones
Alexyss K Tylor. A southern woman who talks frankly about sex and relations between men and women. I initially came across this woman about a year ago when a bunch of youtube clips from her Atlanta public access show hit the 'net.
Funny, hilarious and truthful. Listen to how she communicates. She's brilliant. Below is a clip entitled "Dick Will Make You Slap Somebody!" WARNING: If you are at work, keep the volume down, or listen with headphones.
Apparently, she's making an appearance at Spelman College tonight in Atlanta. Should be quite a spectacle.
Here are a few of her...sermons
2 Faced Dick
Hard Dick and Candy
Penis Power
Vagina Power
Why Men Like Sneaky Pussy
Spiritual Sperm Power
Sure, Alexyss K Tylor (The Black Dr. Ruth?) has her detractors, but love her or hate her, the woman knows how to communicate her ideas. In this clip, pay particular attention to HOW she gets her points across on sex and relations between the sexes.
"Dick Will Make You Slap Somebody!"
--The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
3:15 PM
Directing A Movie Out Of A Book (re: David E. Talbert)
David E. Talbert: Man On A Mission
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 -- by Wow Jones
David E. Talbert. Playwright, Director, Filmmaker, Producer, Businessman, Entrepeneur, Author. Man, it sure must be tough live in Tyler Perry's world. Especially when you were making successful urban "soul theater" plays when Tyler Perry was still living in his Geo Metro convertible.
Known for knumbskullish insinuation about fellow playwright August Wilson's significance to black audiences in The New York Times and his popular plays
Tellin It Like It 'Tiz!
What Goes Around Comes Around ("Love's Rollercoaster")
A Fool And His Money
Love Makes Things Happen
Talk Show Live
Lawd Ha' Mercy
Mr. Right Now
His Woman, His Wife
The Fabric Of A Man
He Say, She Say, But What Do God Say?
Love On Lay-A-Way
Love In The Nick Of Time
--David E. Talbert has been trying to make a transition to The Dream Factory--Hollywood. Well, he has...

After finally seeing his movie FIRST SUNDAY and liking it very much--despite its crappy look, I was curious as to his next move. Imagine my surprise when I read that Fox Searchlight had recently signed a deal that would enable Talbert to direct a movie based on his VERY OWN BOOK! Folks, this does NOT happen every day. The only author I can think of who's directed his own book is Jurassic Park author Michael Crichton; who directed the adaptation of his novel, The Great Train Robbery.

Baggage Claim follows the journey of thirty-something flight attendant Montana Moore, who when she learns of her younger sister's upcoming nupitals, embarks on a 30-day, cross-country search for a fiance.
Intrigued, I bought a copy of the book and was very surprised. It's a funny, warm, witty and entertaining look at life and love. While the ending is a bit too pat and predictable for my tastes, I look forward to seeing Talbert's adaptation of this material. In any event, this book is a classic example of the saying, "it ain't so much the destination, but the journey."
Remember, anything can happen in Hollywood, so I won't celebrate until I see it in movie theaters, but this bit of news sure is promising...
-- The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
12:28 PM
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Boxer Floyd Mayweather Hits 20 Million Dollar Jackpot
Floyd Mayweather Hits 20 Million Dollar Jackpot
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 -- by Wow Jones
Click here to read an article announcing that Floyd Mayweather has accepted 20 Million Dollars to wrestle Paul "Big Show" Wight at Wrestlemania.
Not bad. Check out the portion of the article where Floyd Mayweather's advisor Leonard Ellerbee details his popularity. According to him, Celebrities like Eddie Murphy, Ric Flair, and Lindsay Lohan all wanted to take pictures with him.
Well, I guess that proves that Floyd's SOME kind of draw...
--The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
7:38 PM
Labels: Floyd Mayweather Paul Big Show Wright Wrestlemania WWE
Monday, February 25, 2008
Barack Obama Criticized for 'Cult-Like" Rallies
Critics Criticize Barack Hussein Obama's Use of Jedi Mind Tricks.
Monday February 25, 2008 --By Wow Jones
Just came across this article on Barack Obama in the Telegraph (U.K.) paper. So much for Barack Hussein Obama having a knack for exciting and galvanizing audiences. He's doing something right, unfortunately he might be doing it too well.
Click here to read an article criticizing Barack Hussein Obama's use of The Force.
Folks looking for ways to attract (and keep) audiences may want to pay heed. It sure looks like Barry knows how to use the Force. Question is, will he go to The Dark Side?
Don't hate the player, hate the game.
--The Wow Jones Report
Posted by
Wow Jones
7:21 PM