Thursday, February 14, 2008

How To Intrigue Movie Audiences--Indiana Jones and The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull (1st Trailer)

How To Intrigue Movie Audiences--Indiana Jones and The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull (1st Trailer)

Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Harrison Ford, etc. A formula for success in Hollywood? Most likely. However, I saw the trailer this morning on Good Morning America and, other than the shot of Indiana Jones' forearm/hand coming in from offscreen, picking up his trademark fedora from the ground the camera tilting up and his 'shadow' putting the fedora atop his head...much of what I saw didn't do much for me. I'll give the filmmakers the benefit of the doubt though, their experience and track record deserves as such. The trailer begins with footage from prior Indiana Jones movies and then gets into footage from the new movie.
I also dug the funny shot of Indy swinging through the warehouse like Tarzan and missing his intended target. Trailers are amusing artifacts, anyway.

Indiana Jones 4 huh? Or is it Indy Jones 4?

Click here to see the trailer.

--The Wow Jones Report

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